Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Original Review

Dear Gail Simone

I like Wonder Woman (the charecter) because she is very athletic, strong, and thoughtful, because she goes to different kinds of crimes and saves lives of children and Adults. She also expirents different kinds of pains. I also like her laso of truth also in this book I noticed the shield with a W on her back. The reason I like the laso of truth is because it has a kind of power to tell the truth not most super heroes have a superpower like that. The sheild also was a good Idea because just in case someone attacks her on the back they will not hurt her.

The story starts interesting because it starts when Hippolyta is asking the North, West, east, and South (prisoners) if they repend all of them did not agree by saying "Never." Until she came upon the south stall she asked "do you repend." "Never." answered the prisoner. Suddenly the prisoner called "Hippolyta" and gave her a crown entitled our queen the prisoner carved the crown using there teeth. The prisoner told Hippolyta to kill her dauter "No." Hippolyta yelled breaking the crown into pieces

Back with Wonder Woman Grodd sent a army of armed gorillas to claim the azure oceans they wanted to "sloter" Wonder Woman and that is like impossible there talking about WONDER WOMAN! Hello! Well Wonder Woman of corse injures them and finnally she gets to them. They all make promises. Later on Wonder Woman let all of them stay over her house. I looked like kayaus [ed. note: "chaos"] to me. The gorillas were everywhere it looked like a saturday night sleepover with a lot of caffine. All of a sudden Tom rings the doorbell. I guess the gorillas go to the kitchen or something.. So Wonder Woman opens the door and he goes past her and cuts her off GOSH HOW RUDE! he also says her apartment was boring because it must not be as dirty as his. Well they go on a mission and meet up with Captin Nazi Wonder Woman says he's gotten stronger and oh yes he looks stronger and of course she does Tom a favor and get in front of him. He hold her to a wall and on the next page it shows Nasis killing everything they can find. I hope Wonder Woman finds her way out of this one.

My Coments
At least Wonder Woman always finds a way out of everything. YAY Wonder Womans the best! I love Wonder Woman and Captin Marvil if you have my opinion I think there the best!


Anonymous said...

I look forward to reading more of your reviews in the future, Leanna!

Anonymous said...

This is the second time I've read your review, and it's still as fun as the first read trhough. Caqn't wait for your other reviews!

Leanna T said...

Thanks Rohan Williams for leaving a comment on my origanal reveiw and trust me you will read another one of my reveiws!

You read my 1st reveiw twice SO AWESOME :P well thank you for that .

Anonymous said...

Hey, Leanna! I love your review for Wonder Woman #14. She's one of my favorite characters and Gail is one of my favorite writers. It's great seeing someone so young with such good taste in comics! I look forward to hearing your thoughts on some other great books, especially All-Star Superman!

Unknown said...

Hello Leanna,

Good to see you started a blog. Really enjoyed your Wonder Woman letter, sp much I just might start getting that one again. How soon do you think you will review Mouse Guard? I just started getting that one, I think it's a great story and very nice art, and would love to hear your opinion on it.
